Rising constellation of Horoscope

The rising constellation is the first constellation that rises at the intersection of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic according to your longitude and latitude when you are born. The ascending constellation has three characteristics: first, the ascending constellation is only a constellation, not an actual star like the sun and moon; 2、 The rising constellation was about to appear on the horizon at that time, ready to tell the public and show their skills; 3、 Rising constellation is a constellation that changes at different times and places.

Based on the above three characteristics of the rising constellation, the meaning of the rising constellation in your astrolabe represents you shaped by the surrounding living environment, family environment, social environment and other external environments when you were born as a child. Therefore, you can know the possible economic status and upbringing style of your family when you were a child from the rise, which makes you used to take the rise “ Mask ” To face the crowd. So this “ Mask ”, It will affect your appearance, temperament and posture; Second, it will determine what you expect others to think of you, and how you think your performance will be accepted, so the rise will cause the first impression of you by ordinary people; The first defense mechanism that will lead you to any situation, so it is easy to live out the shortcomings of the constellation or abuse the advantages of the constellation.

In a word, the rising constellation is the most open “ Mask ”. Therefore, when we see each person at first sight, we usually first see the characteristics of his rising constellation; When you start to become friends or work together, you will see how his sun behaves. As for the moon, it is often necessary to be familiar with the moon to a certain extent, and even to live with each other, so as to feel the emotional attitude and emotional response of his moon.

Look at the self characteristics when ascending into different constellations.

Rising in Aries

The first impression that this rising constellation brings to people is like a lone ranger who can come and go freely, reflecting the characteristics of strong energy and primitive strength. Aries rising always shows a warm, energetic and creative appearance in front of people. Their decisiveness and decision-making ability can enable them to act immediately from the minute when a new motivation is formed in their minds. People with rising signs in Aries don't like to waste time. They are highly competitive and hope to do everything perfectly. However, they are used to hiding their weaknesses and nervousness in front of others. They are like a warrior who demands that they should not show cowardice in front of the enemy. How to become a brave man and take off this stubborn mask in time to become a real self is the focus of Aries' life.

  • Appearance: medium build, with sportsman's posture and physique, muscular, strong and fruity. Energetic and ruddy, it is the engine of a fierce and impetuous train. Even if you are born a woman, you are also masculine.
  • Appearance: the head is slightly larger, the hair color and skin color are darker, and the hair is slightly thick and dense. The nose is very prominent, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. The eyes are straightforward, and the eyebrows form the focus of the face that can not be ignored.
  • Temperament: Great optimistic idea, eternal enthusiasm and unstoppable momentum, naive and self. With a forward leaning head, the brave pioneer who always comes and goes in a hurry is a natural pioneer who shines in the battlefield.
  • Latent characteristics: to create and expand for self realization.

Rising in Taurus

On the surface, it looks like a leisurely and down-to-earth farm owner, which is the characteristic of this rising constellation. People with Taurus' rising constellation always seem so calm and relaxed. No matter how anxious they are, they always hope to give others a tough and indomitable feeling, like the farm owner guarding his manor. People with the rising sign Taurus usually show their latent ability through their money transactions and their establishment of material property. They are very concerned about beautiful things and money performance. They like some high-quality items in life, and may be engaged in some kind of and creation “ Beauty ” Related matters. This rising constellation had better try to find out whether the persistence in money is what you need.

  • Appearance: wide shoulders, thick back, slightly thick neck, bony knot, soft and thick palms, strong knot in legs, wide hips, low center of gravity, moderate action, looks very stable, and the overall impression is full of fat, but very sexy.
  • Appearance: the nose is slightly short without showing bones, the lips are thick and sensitive, the cheeks are full, the hair is thin and soft, the hair line is low, and the eyes are stable and soft. After middle age, you will get fat and may have double chins. The voice is low and bright, very beautiful.
  • Temperament: quiet, quiet, sincere, down-to-earth, not easy to survive in the fast-paced competition, and have a good concept of financial investment when you grow up.
  • Latent characteristics: pursue the beauty, richness and possession of the material world.

Rising in Gemini

Gemini is the ascendant sign. People with original ideas may be those who lead the group. They have the ability to concretize plans out of thin air, and can apply scientific methods to these plans. Because Gemini people are famous for their ideas, their most powerful capital is their intelligence. But at the same time, this rising constellation is always as uncertain as a monkey. Because he always wears a mask of a messenger, gossip, or important information is transmitted through this rising constellation. Because this rising constellation is busy pursuing, transmitting, and disseminating new information, it often gives people a feeling of instability and no way to trust. Remind the rising sign of Gemini, in addition to chasing and delivering new messages, don't forget what you want to accomplish, and don't forget to deliver your own words from the bottom of your heart. You are just a mask who delivers other people's messages.

  • Appearance: slim and thin, slender and beautiful, with a pair of pianist fingers. Big head, narrow shoulders, brisk and lively, responsive, exaggerated gestures will be added to self-expression, natural model figure, feeling very neutral.
  • Appearance: the hair line is back, the forehead is high and round, looks very smart, the chin is small and sharp, and the face presents an inverted triangle. The eyes are flexible and unstable with the mind, the nose is thin and stiff, the lips are thin and flexible, and the hair color and skin color tend to be light.
  • Temperament: it is difficult to understand the changes of many real personalities. It is curious, intelligent, and has strong learning ability. It is versatile and has great plasticity. Outstanding in the expression of language and words.
  • Latent characteristic: take the acquisition and transmission of knowledge as self expectation.

Rising in cancer

This rising constellation is usually a good caregiver. Yes, they have a mother's mask. The first impression they give is always quiet and docile and reasonable. They never refuse to listen to the inner pain of others, and are even willing to help you. However, on the other hand, people whose rising sign is cancer usually have capricious feelings, and they are easily emotional in front of unfamiliar people. They will never hide their emotions. They can invest and consume a lot of energy and energy in their feelings, and like to express their feelings in a romantic and dramatic way. This rising constellation also has a latent rendering power to amplify emotions. Sometimes even he can't understand why he is so sad or ecstatic. Try to clarify his emotions or what is necessary. Generally, people with the rising sign in cancer are very concerned about their families and matters related to their families.

  • Appearance: the shoulders are smooth, the chest is very full, the waist is round, the hips are wide, the hands and feet are not slender, and the muscles are soft. The female figure is very curved. If it is a man, it will show a feminine and blessed appearance. All belong to the type of easily getting fat; Round and full is the overall impression.
  • Appearance: full and round face, with a low and round forehead. The hair is soft, thick and light in color. The skin color is white and rich in moisture, the nose is short, the distance between the eyes is large, and the eyes are affectionate and gentle. Lips are beautiful, soft, full and expressive.
  • Temperament: self-conscious, self-conscious, affectionate, caring, but hesitant and cautious in emotional payment.
  • Latent characteristics: the implementation of emotion is a lifelong management and consciousness.

Rise in Leo

Even if his sun sign is a shy cancer or Capricorn, once he has the rising sign of the lion, he will immediately show his heroic spirit in front of people. you 're right! The mask of this rising constellation is the son of heaven. It always shows a dignified and luxurious temperament everywhere. It hopes to be a leader in the crowd and to be noticed by everyone. Although people with Leo as the rising sign may think they are people with dignity, ability and strong willpower, sometimes, people who rise in Leo will become presumptuous and arrogant. They are very determined to think that as long as it is appropriate for them, they must express their opinions. So sometimes, when no one invites them, they will also make their own decisions to intervene in other people's affairs and try to control the overall situation. People in this rising constellation had better weigh how much they weigh, otherwise, they are likely to make a big face.

  • Appearance: tall, majestic and powerful, looking up and looking great! Tiger back and bear waist, wide shoulders and narrow hips, lower body is weak and small, and the appearance is characterized by inverted triangle. It is a masculine constellation. Even if you are born a woman, it will be difficult to hide the majesty of the eldest sister.
  • Appearance: square head with big ears, wide and flat forehead, low hair line, thick and hard hair, slightly curled. Round eyes, sparkling, happy eyes. The lion has a firm nose and a firm mouth, and often smiles. The chin is square and powerful, showing a W shape and a loud voice.
  • Temperament: it has an inborn aristocratic smell, which is gorgeous and dazzling, and popular. Self confident and optimistic, with high self-esteem, steady temperament, calm, decent and distinct.
  • Latent characteristics: exuberant creativity glows on the stage of life.

Rising in Virgo

The performer mask who is very serious about work in front of others and shows that he is good at executing things and analyzing things is the mask that virgins hope to let people see. Virgo, the rising constellation, has a very sharp and rational response to practical things. They are very systematic, know how to organize the ideas in their minds, and really know how to implement them. They have a keen eye for observation, and no small details can escape their eyes or be inadvertently ignored by them. The reason why Virgo is more successful than others is that they can be very careful to find all the details that are easily ignored by others. This rising constellation is kind and warm-hearted to people. Sometimes it seems to be nosy. However, it also sets limits on itself everywhere and is quite strict with itself. They are the standard perfect thinkers. They insist that no matter what they do, there should be no trickle down shortcomings. They insist that quality is more important than quantity. The rising constellation of Virgo always urges you to become the kind of person who conforms to the norms, punctuality, seriousness and comes step by step in people's eyes. If you really fall into such a situation, you may lose your nature.

  • Appearance: medium build, fine skeleton. Flat body, slim and delicate, without fat and muscle. The limbs are slender and slightly bony, the fingers are flexible, the hands are thin, and the sign language is rich; Common habitual overlapping of hands. With beautiful neck lines, it is a constellation with strong feminine characteristics.
  • Appearance: the forehead is round and convex. Women like to keep a straight long hair with bangs, while men prefer a traditional hairstyle with appropriate trim. The face is thin, the chin is sharp, the nose is long and explicit, the lips are thin and dexterous, the eyes are black and white, and the eyes are clear and slightly worried.
  • Temperament: smart and dexterous, quiet and fresh, service and hard-working, self demanding, perfectionist, good at analysis, cautious, disciplined and responsible.
  • Latent characteristics: in the uninterrupted learning and self-growth, make life tend to higher perfection.

Rising in Libra

This rising constellation with noble temperament is the most elegant and attaches the most importance to life interest among all rising constellations. They have the same leisure and carefree spirit as Taurus rising. They are very skillful and always in a leisurely manner. The most outstanding virtue of them is that they can put themselves in others' attitude and look at the same thing from others' eyes. But at the same time, people whose rising sign is Libra don't like independence. If they can't find others to rely on, and have to stand up completely by their own strength, they will feel very lost and confused. Every move of these people has the characteristics of beauty, elegance, discipline, strictness, fairness and justice. However, in fact, this mask with aristocratic temperament often becomes a fetter in life, sometimes making it impossible for them to put down their body and make warm exchanges with others.

  • Appearance: the body is well proportioned and beautiful, showing a beautiful sense of lines as a whole. It is moderate in height and not fat or thin (before middle age). Both men and women have a beautiful and attractive appearance. Rising Libra specializes in producing handsome men and beautiful women.
  • Appearance: the face is full, the facial features are prominent, the head is named beautiful, the eyebrows and eyes are gentle and full of smile, the eyelashes are long and beautiful, and the hair is soft? It is wavy with full lips, and the corners of the mouth are raised like water caltrops. The voice is elegant and pleasant. The chin is round. You may have a double chin after middle age.
  • Temperament: pleasant personality, caring for friends, strong coordination ability. Gentle and polite, slow and orderly, fair, happy, soft and lazy, elegant and elegant, people are willing to get close. Pay attention to clothes, excellent appearance and excellent taste.
  • Latent characteristics: express the characteristics of love and beauty, and seek two-way communication of harmony and sharing.

Rising in Scorpio

The man-machine with the rising constellation Scorpio has abundant physical strength and strong willpower, and is the kind of person who can gamble his life in order to achieve his own goals. Almost no one can dissuade Scorpios from giving up certain things, because once they make up their minds, they will certainly move towards that goal, no matter how others dissuade them. Once the goal is set, they will put huge and focused emotions on it. They also have the ability to discover some invisible help that can help them achieve their goal. But at the same time, this rising constellation always likes to wear a cold and mysterious mask, which always makes people unable to see whether this guy is an enemy or a friend. However, its sharp eyes seem to penetrate other people's deep feelings, and people dare not approach it easily. This rising constellation is used to hiding its most real feelings, or until you really become his good friend, it is possible to feel his kindness and warmth.

  • Appearance: not tall, but sharp and crisp. Muscle knot, dark skin. The limbs are strong and vigorous, and the palms are thick and full of strength. The buttocks are full, knotted and beautiful, very sexy.
  • Appearance: dark and thick hair, thick hair. The forehead is high and round, the nose is sharp, and the cheekbones are prominent. Thick eyebrows, sunken eye sockets, or thick eyelids, deep and threatening eyes, eyes like eagles, firm mouth, deep lips, full and sexy lips. The jaw is firm and powerful, and the neck is classic and strong.
  • Temperament: strong personality, resolute and deep, cold outside and hot inside, rich in emotion, gentle, passionate, profound, and distinct love and hate. Cautious, calm, sharp, insight into the truth, mysterious, sexy.
  • Latent characteristics: a bathing fire phoenix that rises in the fall and hardens itself in the destruction.

Rise in Sagittarius

This rising constellation is really a hunter worthy of the name. They are always enthusiastic, adventurous, ambitious and energetic. They always show an optimistic and enterprising look in front of people, and also bring the smell of joy to all their friends. Sagittarius is a natural optimist. They usually work hard for big goals. People in this rising constellation feel very friendly to others. They are always in high spirits. However, in fact, they tend to take others' good intentions for granted, and many things are only for their own sake, or only measured by their own reference standards.

This rising constellation also easily gives people the feeling of being very reckless. Because of their optimistic attitude, some people who love to worry will not be able to see it. They feel that this person is not practical at all. But if this infinite energy is expressed in practical things, it will make those who look down on you change their outlook on you. Sagittarius, the rising sign, has a way to influence others and get them to agree to a set of ways of doing things mainly for their own interests. This is the special strength of this rising sign. However, it is undeniable that Sagittarius, the rising sign of Sagittarius, has the nature of keeping to the old ways, which also brings a lot of encouragement to their friends around.

  • Appearance: tall, strong, muscular, flexible limbs, long legs and strong hips. Like outdoor activities, especially good at leg sports, such as sprinting and low hurdles, with good elasticity, and is also a good basketball player. The masculine energy is strong. If a woman is a big sister, she is also a straightforward person.
  • Appearance: broad forehead, long oval face, ruddy complexion. The distance between the eyes is far, the eyes are open and straightforward, the lips are wide, the teeth are firm, the smiling face is often displayed, the ears are slightly windy, and the earrings are developed. The hair is curly, often messy, and seems not to be taken care of often. Middle aged men are at risk of baldness.
  • Temperament: free and easy, straightforward, broad-based behavior, lively, optimistic and frank, enthusiastic and heroic, good at fighting injustice and rich in sense of justice.
  • Latent characteristics: with the blood of tramps, they yearn for more distant countries and pursue the supreme truth. He is a traveler who practices both body and mind. He is always setting out.

Rising in Capricorn

Capricorn, the rising sign, has the following characteristics: keep the law, try to keep everything in order, work hard and be patient. Everything the rising star does has a purpose. You want to be a successful person, but you force yourself to be very pragmatic in front of others, like a mask of a successful entrepreneur, which firmly limits your talent at other levels of life. This rising constellation is always stern, calm and strong in front of others. Sometimes they also give people a feeling of melancholy and modesty. People of this rising constellation are not easily knocked down, have hidden endurance, and have physical strength that can withstand long-term pain, but are often bound by the rules of reality or society. Although the mask given by this rising constellation makes life extremely convenient in society, don't be bound by the mask and forget your dreams for many years.

  • Appearance: thin, stooped. Because the joints are strong, they look particularly bony. The bones are well developed, firm and durable. The limbs are not strong, but they hide endurance. Good at delicate hand work, such as dentists, clock repair. Wide shoulders and narrow hips, strong appearance, young and mature.
  • Appearance: dark complexion, poor skin quality. Prominent cheekbones, long nose, thin face, more bony. The chin is narrow, the legal lines are obvious, the lips are thin and firm, the tone is low, and the teeth are firm. The eye socket is slightly concave and the eyes are stable. The hair is dark and not rich.
  • Temperament: high self-discipline, conservative and not good at expression, melancholy and strict in heart, strong sense of responsibility, stable and reliable, strong structure, good organizational ability, hard work and progress, meeting group expectations.
  • Latent characteristics: a rock climbing expert with firm will, fearless of difficulties, and self-evaluation based on commitment

Rise in Aquarius

This rising constellation wears the mask of a monster. It is always strange and unique. It has creative talent and is very independent. Some people see them as geniuses, while others feel that their behavior is closer to that of idiots. Because they can't stand being the same as others, they always try to create a different feeling. Sometimes they look very cold, sometimes they show the characteristics of being cute, friendly and humanist, and always try to show their independence. Sometimes they want others to love them sincerely, not just worship them, and they don't like to draw too much attention from others.

  • Appearance: the appearance is thin and straight, light and refreshing, without muscle feeling. The bone structure is good, with flat and bony square shoulders and thin waist. The limbs are slender, the bone nodes of the fingers are protruding, the lines of the legs and ankles are beautiful, and the pigment of the whole body is light.
  • Appearance: square face, high and wide forehead, white complexion, light hair color, often with the tendency of young white hair. After middle age, it is common to have white hair all over the head, light eye color, flexible eyes, strange eyes, high nose, slightly bony, forming the focus of the face.
  • Temperament: willing to create group interests, philanthropic macro, free and independent, transcending the times, rational, calm, unruly, slightly alienated, willing to self reform, brain structure different from ordinary people, almost genius.
  • Latent characteristics: anti tradition, challenging established models, promoting human rights and opening a new era.

Rising in Pisces

Pisces, the rising constellation, is more compassionate, adaptable and spiritual, and loves fantasy. This rising constellation is like a sleepwalker living in a dream, with an artist's Bohemian character, and easily lives in his own fairy tale world. Their achievements are usually related to their sensitivity to changes in things around them. Because they are born with mysterious insight, they can deeply understand and recognize human nature. In the eyes of some people, the rising Pisces seems to need a glass cover to protect his safety. Similarly, this rising constellation is always very romantic, slender and sensitive, but this is not necessarily his nature.

  • Appearance: petite, round, wide hips, more meat than bone, pale skin, soft meat. Despite efforts to diet, there is no way to completely change the prototype. The limbs are short, the hands are thick and uneven, and the feet may be small and exquisite, or they may be rough. No matter what, the feet are very sensitive and often feel at a loss about the choice of shoes.
  • Appearance: rich hair, soft hair, long wavy hair, will you let your hair go when you are in a bad mood? Soft face, a pair of sleepy eyes, dim and unfocused eyes, affectionate and kind, small nose, moderate size, soft and full lips, full of smiles, beautiful voice and sweet tone
  • Temperament: rich imagination, extraordinary creativity, strong intuition, indifference, vagueness, romantic selflessness, divorced from reality
  • Latent characteristics: seizing the waves in your dreams and completing yourself in sacrifice and dedication.