Ascending constellation and Neptune

The rising constellation is the first constellation rising at the intersection of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic when you were born. The rising sign is a person's external expression, which is what the outside world perceives you. So the rising sign can also tell you how you express yourself. The rising sign will influence a person to hold a certain idea and think how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Since the rising sign is also the first house in everyone's chart, which means everyone's childhood environment, you can know that the rising sign (that is, self expectation) is expressed by their parents when they are still young. What the rising sign reveals is not only the pattern of people's speech and behavior, but also their clothing, hairstyle, appearance and so on. Look at the information displayed by the different aspects between the rising constellation and Neptune.

Rising at 0 degrees to Neptune

People with this aspect are very sensitive and may be psychic. You are often in your own world, where you can escape the cruelty of reality, especially when you are hurt. You are so sensitive to the social injustices you see that you are easily hurt by them. You are particularly sensitive to gloomy social and economic conditions and barbaric events that have brought suffering to many people in the world. You sympathize with the oppressed, understand the mentally disordered, and forgive those who commit crimes in society but look innocent.When you can't do anything about the situation, you are easily crazy. Your sense of guilt and failure will make you retreat into a safe world away from responsibility. You attract people with strange personalities, especially when you meet people with strong personalities who can control you. You are easily injured. You should make friends with down-to-earth people to make up for your aimless and fuzzy temperament. You need to settle down in reality, which is good for you. There are many people who need your sympathy and understanding. You have no right to refuse anyone who needs your help.

Rising and 60 degrees in Neptune

This aspect will bring a sharp and attractive personality, which makes it easy for you to get help from others. A highly developed mind will create a kind and spiritual personality. However, for some people, these only represent the spiritual interaction between them and others, so that they can influence each other. These people are very sensitive to any interpersonal factors, so they will calmly respond to each situation in the most appropriate way. This phase separation usually indicates that you may have the ability of perspective or other special receptivity. Sometimes these people can predict what they want to say before the other person speaks.

Rising at 90 degrees to Neptune

People in this aspect are overly sensitive to criticism from others. Never be confident in yourself. Until you feel that you are more qualified for a challenge, you will not avoid it. The communication between you and your parents is not perfect, which makes it difficult for you to get their support and encouragement. It will take you a long time to realize what you really want from life, so it is very difficult for you to choose your future career. Your imagination is rich, but you lack the determination to benefit from it. They often think that they are worse than their competitors and attribute themselves to unimportant people behind the scenes.Although you attach great importance to higher education, you are lazy to work hard to get a diploma. Because your potential is seldom exploited, you have to pay twice as much as others to compensate for this defect. Because your hobbies are too broad, your efforts are often unrequited. Because you believe too much in the people around you, it makes you easy to get hurt, but they benefit from it. You always misunderstand your superiors because you don't want to hear the facts you doubt. For the same reason, you are easily misunderstood, and others always guess your motives. You should try to find a job that is closely related to the public. You are very sensitive to social injustice and feel that if you can correct this phenomenon, you will be appreciated and trusted by others.

Rising 120 degrees to Neptune

People in this aspect have a keen sense of life and a strong intuition. They want to be mysterious and attractive, and their eyes are usually the most attractive. They can be closely integrated with the surrounding environment, and can also be easily used in interpersonal relationships. In this way, their interpersonal relationship is excellent, including the relationship with their partner.

Rising 180 degrees to Neptune

You are greatly influenced by the people you associate with. You idealize the people you associate with too much, so you will feel hurt when you find that they are not what you think. When you lend a helping hand to the other party, please make sure that they really need your help. You love all people, and you will overburden yourself by caring for their well-being. In fact, you do this to make up for your lack of independence. You need people to rely on you, so that you can get a sense of belonging. Being alone brings you a sense of helplessness, so you are always looking for responsibilities and obligations to others.Because you are imaginative and creative in expressing yourself, you should apply your talents to writing, music or art. Please consult your friends before making any commitments, so that you will not regret your decision. When your boss makes a promise to you, if he can't fulfill it, you should write it down in advance or find a person who can support and encourage you to ensure that the person concerned is present. In love, you are easily attracted by people with strong personalities. Before you agree to get married, you should make sure that your lover is really good and that you have sincere feelings.