Ascending constellation and Saturn

The rising constellation is the first constellation rising at the intersection of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic when you were born. The rising sign is a person's external expression, which is what the outside world perceives you. So the rising sign can also tell you how you express yourself. The rising sign will influence a person to hold a certain idea and think how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Since the rising sign is also the first house in everyone's chart, which means everyone's childhood environment, you can know that the rising sign (that is, self expectation) is expressed by their parents when they are still young. What the rising sign reveals is not only the pattern of people's speech and behavior, but also their clothing, hairstyle, appearance and so on. Look at the different phases and information between the ascending constellation and Saturn.

Rising at 0 degrees to Saturn

This conjunction shows that you are conservative and disciplined in your behavior. You are ashamed to express yourself, so others may think you don't care about others. So when you meet competition, you are very cautious. When you gradually get to know yourself through experience, lack of self-confidence is eventually replaced by self-confidence. You look reliable. You don't give the impression that you have ambitious motives. People will slowly rely on you. You don't like to be noticed by nature. You like to stand aside rather than in the spotlight.You are efficient in using your resources and confident in achieving your goals, but you underestimate your abilities. You sometimes miss opportunities because you are afraid of being laughed at for making a wrong decision. You never disappoint those who depend on you when you are responsible for your mistakes. Learn to love yourself more, and you will find that you deserve the.webpts of life because you work hard for them. Others may take advantage of your melancholy to make you a victim in the struggle for your rights. Although you are not a vengeful person, you will never forget such things until one day they need your help, and you will repay them with cold disregard.

Rising at 60 degrees to Saturn

People in this aspect have a strict temperament. Because of their integrity, reliability and sense of responsibility, they have won the respect and support of their working partners and the public. Discipline oriented organization is also the characteristic of this aspect. Such people absolutely adhere to principles and have a strong sense of identity for fairness and justice. Although they may be regarded as cold and inhuman people, they are respected for the above reasons.

Rising at 90 degrees to Saturn

People in this aspect often underestimate their abilities. When competing with others, I like to lag behind at the beginning. It seems that only in this way can I build self-confidence. Under strong pressure, you tend to give up rather than go all out to fight. You always avoid challenges. Even if you get involved in the competition, you are very reluctant. If you are forced to defend yourself, in order to protect yourself, you can also use all your strength and skills to avoid losses. Because you are always too careful and unsure of your own advantages, you lose a lot of opportunities. Some people may even think you are a cold and indifferent person, but to tell the truth, you are just strict and serious, and you are a reliable person.You know from previous experience that you can reap what you sow. Only pay, can get the corresponding return. You are a perfectionist. It seems that there is less warmth between you and your parents. What your parents ask you to do, you must complete the tasks they give without objection, which has a lot to do with the extreme demanding and reserved attitude you show in your contacts with superiors. You have shown great concentration in the fight for a position that will ensure the future revenue and expenditure. In fact, you are smarter than yourself, but only when you are successful and recognized by others can you realize this. In the process of achieving your goals, you are not afraid of setbacks.

Rising 120 degrees to Saturn

People with this aspect have a rigorous and cautious attitude towards life, conservative behavior, and do not allow themselves to have rash words and deeds. Because of their integrity, they are respected. Although they are cold and heartless in people's eyes, because of their down-to-earth style, he did not trust each other with his work partners to achieve his work goals.

Rising 180 degrees to Saturn

People with this aspect are not good at opening their hearts in the group. You're under too much pressure to expect a response from others, but in fact you don't think it's worth it. Because you worry too much about your own affairs, you can't have the energy to pay attention to others. But at the same time, you are accusing others of their indifference to you. The truth is that you are so conservative in telling others about your frustrations or unhappiness that you leave people with an image of superiority. So they all keep a distance with you, and they are unlikely to like you.If you think you are inferior to others, you are also afraid to accept challenges. You always carefully grope for others' responses to your actions, and like to make decisions for others before they express their views. Maybe you will have a hard start, maybe you are not used to receiving praise for your efforts. Although you have your own views, it is a pity that you are not confident in this aspect and are not sure that your views can be positively reflected by people. You always want others to take the initiative to approach you, because you are afraid that if you take the initiative, you will be rejected. In your heart, you are afraid of taking responsibility. In fact, you are always able to fulfill your responsibilities and obligations to yourself and others. You need to make sure that a little success is in your hands.