The phase of ascending constellation and Venus

The rising constellation is the first constellation rising at the intersection of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic when you were born. The rising sign is a person's external expression, which is what the outside world perceives you. So the rising sign can also tell you how you express yourself. The rising sign will influence a person to hold a certain idea and think how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Since the rising sign is also the first house in everyone's chart, which means everyone's childhood environment, you can know that the rising sign (that is, self expectation) is expressed by their parents when they are still young. What the rising sign reveals is not only the pattern of people's speech and behavior, but also their clothing, hairstyle, appearance and so on. Look at the different phases and information between the rising constellation and Venus.Rising at 0 degrees to Venus

People in this aspect have personality charm and social attraction. Everyone who gets along with you has a sense of identity with you. This is exactly the identity you seek, and so you also hope that people can accept you. You find it easy to make the necessary compromises as long as you can get what you want. You like the beautiful side of life. You also want to make friends with the same taste as you, and establish long-term friendship with such friends. However, you can't convince everyone. You're just “ Play ” The “ Role ”. Ignore the image you present to the people who observe you. You are a computer hidden under the surface, constantly calculating the benefits and disadvantages of every friendship and social relationship you have brought to you.You are good at developing your best potential, because you know how to use your personal charm to win people's love for you. You usually behave appropriately and gracefully, but when you don't get the attitude you want others to give you, you become aggressive and demanding. Everything else must stand aside until your wish is fulfilled. You try to make others accept your favor, and when others are arrogant, you will be very distressed. You should learn to keep your attitude to yourself and spend some time cultivating some practical talents and talents, so that you can get what you want.

Rising at 60 degrees to VenusPeople with this aspect have strong self-expression ability. Your expression is always pleasing. At the same time, you have elegant manners, which can win social recognition for you and bring good luck to marriage and work. This kind of person is a born diplomat. Sometimes he is said to be a messenger of peace. His pleasing performance will always get a positive response. If other factors in the palace of destiny are well coordinated, he will also show his artistic and musical talents.

Rising at 90 degrees to VenusThe person of this aspect is a sentimentalist, and it is always difficult to give up his early family life. A clear memory of childhood life will interfere with the formation of your independent personality to a certain extent. You feel that if you are independent, it is a betrayal of your past. Obviously, only by giving up moderately can you get a bright future. In order to prove your difficulty in self-identity to others, you rack your brains to come up with various excuses to shirk your responsibility. You know how to make money, but you don't want to make the necessary efforts. Unless it is necessary, you will never break the current comfortable and stable situation and make changes. Because of this, you prefer to live a stereotyped life in your parents' home.

You are very rude to your friends, especially when they want you to help them. In the final analysis, this is your selfish mentality. You are always generous when you are promised a large sum of money. Once you get it, you are most likely not to keep your promise. You envy the people who can save money, and you are always chagrined that you can't be like them. For you, hard work will only be worth it if the future seems to be at stake. Your goals are rarely clear-cut, because you feel that setting a specific goal will bring you ideological baggage. You rarely use your talents unless you have no choice or are forced to make a living.Rising at 120 degrees to Venus

People with this aspect behave gracefully, especially for women, because they can bring beauty and attractiveness. These lovable characteristics make them often recognized, and also bring them help from marriage and friends. They will also have the ability of music and art. At least, they value the value of art.Rising 180 degrees to Venus

People of this aspect are easily attracted by educated and elegant people. You behave well and people usually have a good impression of you. In order to maintain a friendly relationship with the other party, you will make concessions when necessary. When the other party's behavior does not meet your expectations, you will not evaluate him. You always believe that you will choose to work with the most noble person, so you will be disappointed if the other person fails to meet your standards. You look confident and confident about yourself. To be honest, if no one around you gives you the support you need, you will immediately feel something wrong. You really like to associate with people, because you like to associate with people and exchange ideas. In order to make people have a strong impression on you, you always try to win your desired impression by playing tricks. At the same time, in order to prove that you are worthy of communication, you will focus on showing your excellent qualities in front of people. In addition, you want people to feel relaxed when they get along with you, so pretend to be simple to show that you won't threaten their interests. Even so, you are still afraid that others will discover your negative qualities and how insecure you are.The best media to show your public image to the outside world should be your friends. Because you will become shy in front of the company's boss or the person you admire, friends will stand up and tell others your advantages for you at this time. You, who are always seeking to improve your social status, always choose to associate with successful people or those who are making progress. In order to improve the chances of long-term cooperation with those who have financial security, you do not feel any injustice in your attempts to get close to them. On the surface, you are a docile and charming person, but inside, you secretly plan and connive yourself to improve your quality of life through social activities.