The extremely astrolabe pattern - Five Stars In A Row

Five Stars In A Row is that water, metal, fire, wood, earth these five planets distribute clockwise in the chart continuously. For example, Mercury in Gemini, Venus in Taurus, Mars in Aries, Jupiter in Pisces, Saturn in Capricorn, because these planets have entered Miao Wang position, and five stars are in a row at a heat, even though there are some small mutual criminal impulse, but momentum between planets is interrelated, then turn ill luck into good, so that this pattern in astrolabe can rank above the Three Councillors of State. However, it is very rare for the five stars all enter Miao, so as long as the five stars can distribute clockwise in the chart continuously, the owner of the chart will get rich.

From the perspective of modern astrology, if one or two stars enter the Miao Wang position, basically the owner of the chart has already gotten benefit in some ways. While if water, metal, fire, wood, earth these five stars enter the Miao Wang position, the owner of the chart will be prosperous. However, this view sometimes needs changing, because Uranus was discovered in 1781, Neptune was discovered in 1846, Pluto was even more late in 1930. These three planets are not included in the ancient astrology analysis, but their influence must not be underestimated.

For example, in July 10, 2002, Saturn, Moon, Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Mars, Venus formed seven stars in a row in the sky. Although not all these stars entered the Miao Wang position, but the planet's magnetic field affected mutually, which was originally pretty strong, but unfortunately, at that time Uranus was dead against Venus, Saturn was dead against Pluto, causing the stock market crash and earthquakes again and again. The Middle East was in turmoil too.

However, the influence between planets is independent, it is still very rare for people to have Five Stars In A Row in horoscope, its advantages is naturally indelible. And the criminal impulse phase, in fact will only make the owner of the chart the opportunity to go through and enhance the life wisdom, and will not eliminate the original pattern's level. As long as the owner of the chart can successfully pass the challenges of life, life's wisdom will be more successful, the success of this life may be more higher.