Dream of a gun


Gun is misfortune, gun is a murder weapon, symbolizing misfortune in the world.

Dream of shooting, there will be unfortunate things to happen, this is because they do things without consideration, they should think about everything carefully.

Dream of pulling the trigger, the barrel will burst, which means that misfortune comes from the deception of friends. What we need to pay attention to is to make friends carefully. In addition, we should be sincere with friends and not be too self-centered.

Dreaming that someone shot himself but he was not injured means that he will be charged with a crime, but he can be exempted from criminal punishment in the end.

Women dream of carrying guns, which means that their homes may be robbed.

Dreaming that he killed someone with a gun reminds the dreamer that he will be criticized by public opinion and may face failure. The dreamer should strengthen his confidence.

Dream of gunfire, reminding the dreamer that there is something wrong with the aspect and needs to be re planned. Women dream of gunshots, reminding dreamers to pay attention to the way of communication when communicating with others, and don't happen with others, otherwise they will lose their reputation.

Dream of buying a pistol, indicating that the dreamer can be promoted to the rank.

Dream of selling pistols, reminding the dreamer that he may lose some. Dreaming of doing pistol business means that the dreamer will be valued by national leaders and won the honorary title.

Dream of loading a pistol with bullets. If you encounter it, the dreamer will get the help of his friends.

Dreaming of getting a pistol means that the dreamer will look up to the public.

Dreaming of stealing a pistol reminds dreamers that they need to work harder to get more financial resources.

Dreaming that the pistol is lost means that the dreamer attaches great importance to feelings, is a very responsible person, and can live and die with his family.

I dreamed that someone pointed a gun at me. This dream implies that you should not be too strong in your daily life or work, do what you can, make a decision after communicating with your family or actively, take full account of it, and think twice before you act.