A constellation that won't flatter and say anything against your heart

In the process of growing up, people will inevitably change. In order to achieve our goal, everyone needs to pay something for it. For example, flattery seems to be a common topic in the adult world. Some people have learned this skill and used it perfectly, which is liked by the leaders.

But some people are unwilling to sell their soul and say those words against their heart. These people are often disliked by leaders. Even if they are capable and talented, they may not be displayed. But for them, even so, they don't want to bow down.

Today, let's talk about these constellations from the perspective of astrology. Highly principled, can't say anything against your heart, but it's easy for leaders to wear small shoes.

The sun falls in a house

If one of the twelve constellations is the most self, it must be Aquarius. Aquarius seems to be a constellation living in their own world. They don't care about other people's emotions or the development of the world. They are most concerned about self realization and inner stability.

For this reason, the form and way of Aquarius is different from that of many people. They are independent and different. In the face of this secular world, Aquarius often choose to continue to be themselves rather than cater to them. Therefore, in the workplace, Aquarius people are difficult to flatter or flatter in a moment.

Because this is against the will of Aquarius, and Aquarius will always feel very uncomfortable if they let them do it. This is the essence of Aquarius. If it makes Aquarius feel uncomfortable, they will never sell their soul and heart.

Especially when the sun sets in Aquarius and also in the first house, their self-awareness will be stronger, that is, such people may be more self-centered and will not notice the emotional changes of others. Or they won't control their behavior according to the wishes of others.

Therefore, it is more difficult for them to flatter or please the leaders than to ascend the sky. If the two sides fail to reach an agreement, they are likely to leave directly and will never force or compromise. However, such people are more suitable for their own businesses or freelancers, because they must be unpopular with leaders in the company.

The negative phase of the sun and Pluto

In addition to Aquarius, there is another aspect in the liquidation, which also indicates that they are disobedient in the company. Will not take the initiative to flatter the leaders. This position is the negative phase of the sun and Pluto. In the chart, the sun represents our personal consciousness and self desire.

Pluto represents resistance, power, change and remodeling. If a person's sun and Pluto have negative behavior, it means that they are inherently resistant to power. They never think that the superior has the right to do whatever they want, and they don't think they should grovel to the superior.

Therefore, the performance of such people in the workplace may be more irritating. In the face of criticism and education from leaders, they are likely to be very radical. It is basically impossible for such people to actively cater to and please the leaders. They will not do things that do not meet their own standards against their hearts.

In particular, they themselves despise rights. Therefore, for those incompetent leaders, they scoff at them and will never do anything against their will for some interests. However, such people are also easy to be targeted and hated by leaders, so they are more suitable for starting their own business.