12 constellations of cancer



Cancer (fourth house) June 21-22 ~ July 22-23

  • Constellation alias: cancer in the west, cancer in the sun, crab in the sky.
  • Symbol meaning: crab, crab pliers.
  • Constellation symbol: the basic constellation of water and Yin, which is feminine and productive.
  • Guardian planet: moon.
  • Relative Constellation: Capricorn.
  • I feel.
  • Constellation formula: feeling, productivity.
  • Temple Planet: moon.
  • Prosperous Planet: Jupiter.
  • Sunken Planet: Saturn.
  • Weak Planet: Mars.
  • Body parts: thorax, breast, diaphragm, lung, stomach, digestive system, upper lobe of liver, glands, endocrine and lymph glands.
  • Constellation diseases: gastric ulcer, colitis, stomach disease, indigestion or chest problems.
  • Positive features: persistent, intuitive, maternal, home-based, sensitive, patriotic, helpful, compassionate, affectionate, good memory, and traditional.
  • Negative characteristics: indulge in contemplation, irritable, easily injured, negative, manipulative, overly cautious, lazy, selfish, self pity.

When it comes to cancer, you will inevitably mention the maternal nature of their love for home, but don't forget that love is the characteristic of cancer. Just like their mark crab, they have a hard shell but a soft heart, so cancer people know how to protect themselves. Cancer belongs to the water sign, so it is inevitable to be emotional and have a strong memory. He will also resent some trivial things, but he is very considerate and kind to the people they love. Their guardian star is the moon, which has an impact on mood and digestive system. If you are familiar with cancer for the first time, you will be misled by your first impression. Because they need to protect themselves very much, they will not be open to strangers. But when you get to know him better, you will know that he is really a good man. Among the 12 constellations, cancer is the most consistent one. He is loyal and persistent to his friends and lovers, and attaches great importance to his family. Moreover, he likes collecting and storing things most, never gives up anything, and his taste for good things is also quite high.

Cancer is a sentimental person with a tendency to be melancholy and daydreaming. He often remembers the good days in the past and is easy to live in the shadow of the past (the position of mercury in cancer will strengthen this character). However, he can also fully grasp the current situation. Cancer people have an indomitable will. Once a plan is drawn up, it must be put into practice. Cancer people are tolerant. They generally don't brood over trivial matters. They are tolerant and rarely refuse people thousands of miles away. In addition, they have a charming personality of politeness, good communication, a sense of humor and respect for humanism. They will have many friends. However, sometimes it is too generous for personal interests, and unnecessary luxury should be avoided.