Six human specific functions recognized by scientists

The wonderful nature is full of magical puzzles. Similarly, our human body is also an undeveloped virgin land of science. There are many magical puzzles of the human body waiting for scientists to explore. The special functions and phenomena of the human body are one of these puzzles.

Foreign research on human specific function started earlier. Society of Psychical Research, founded in London, England in 1882, is the earliest academic group to study human specific functions. At present, the recognized human specific functions include: psychokinesis, human non eye image recognition, remote vision, perspective, prediction, psychic sensing, etc. (the last five are called extra sensory perception).

Specific actuation

Since the Italian woman eusapia pallandino was discovered and proved to have ideation activation function in the late 19th century, a large number of ideation activation experiments have been carried out and very reliable experimental data have been obtained. Wang xiubi et al. Conducted an experimental study on the idea actuation to break through the space barrier, and found that the idea function of the special function can make the target sealed in the glass bottle break through the space barrier and move outside the glass bottle. The 400 / s high-speed camera clearly captured the whole process of the target breaking through the space obstacle. In the late 1950s and 1960s, physicist Hirst Schmidt used the decay of radioactive elements as a random source to randomly control the light on and off of a lamp in the ring light path. The special actuator can use his own mind to make the flashing of the lamp move in one direction instead of turning on and off randomly.

Human non eye image recognition

Recognize colors, images, words, etc. not through the naked eye of the human body, but through other parts of the human body, such as ears, fingers, etc. The quantitative experiments carried out by Ye Ziquan proved the existence of this function.

Psychic sensing

Without sensory organs, one-way or two-way transmission of spiritual and ideological information between two people. Japanese scholar Dr. Benshan's experiment proved that willpower can be successfully transmitted to the experimentee through a room where electromagnetic waves cannot pass through. Quines's telepathy experiment shows that telepathy between like-minded people is more obvious.


There is no need for ordinary sensory organs (such as the naked eye) to know the internal state of the object through the obstacle. In 1920, the American scholar JB Rhine conducted an experiment with 25 Rena cards (cards with different shapes and patterns) in the parapsychology Laboratory of Duke University. He randomly took out the cards. He didn't know the contents of the cards in advance, and then asked the subjects to use the perspective function to determine the patterns on the cards. More than 85000 observations have been made, and it is found that the success probability of the tested is much greater than the random probability. The results show that perspective exists.

Remote viewing

Without the naked eye or telepathy, the images of distant objects are directly obtained by the brain. Gunny, miles and bodel reported many typical cases of television. The most convincing is quantitative experimental research. The researchers use random number table to randomize and randomly generate remotely viewed objects (to eliminate the interference of the researcher's spiritual information to the subjects). The results show that the probability of success of the subjects is much greater than the random probability.


Can predict what will happen or whether future events will happen. The most famous experiment is Carrington's painting experiment. Each experiment lasted for 10 days. Every day, Carrington randomly turned to a page of the dictionary, chose the first word that can be represented by a picture, drew it, and hung it up. The subjects left Carrington for hundreds or even thousands of miles and did not know what Carrington drew. Carrington asked the subjects to try to guess his painting within 24 hours. As a result, the subjects sometimes drew the picture of the previous day, and sometimes the picture to be painted the next day. This shows that the subjects have the ability to perceive the past and the future. The British hunch center, established in 1967, received 500 prediction cases in the first year. French medical scientist e Osti made & ldquo; Chair Experiment & rdquo;. The experimenter can successfully name the person in the seat randomly determined by lot a few hours ago. The success probability is much higher than the normal probability.

In fact, the specific functions and phenomena of the human body are far more than these. For example, the phenomenon that the flesh does not decay, Shenguang mountain in Jiuhua Mountain, Anhui Province, China is famous for the flesh Hall of Jin qiaojue, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty (AD 629 & SIM; 728). Domestic media used to use & ldquo; A hundred years old monk's corpse is not rotten. Now sit on a futon & rdquo; It is reported that the eminent monk Dharma Dharma Dharma has passed away for more than 170 years, the body is not rotten, and the soft tissue is still flexible. Other cases, such as the body of the elderly in Yixin County, Hunan Province is not rotten after death, and the body of an old woman in Xianghe County, Hebei Province, China is not treated at room temperature without any signs of corruption. Some eminent monks practicing in the temple sometimes find & ldquo; Relic son & rdquo;, The Buddhist relics of Sakyamuni's finger bones are collected in the Famen Temple in Kaixi, China. Some people say that the relic is a stone, but the stone contains a lot of calcium, which will react with the acid, while the relic will not react with the acid, so it can be seen that it is not a stone.