How to do often insomnia? Eating six kinds of food often helps to relieve

Long term insomnia can induce various diseases, so people with insomnia must improve in time, otherwise it is easy to cause serious harm to their health. Especially for the elderly who often suffer from insomnia, in addition to active treatment, they should also eat more of these foods at ordinary times, which is very helpful to alleviate the symptoms of insomnia. What can you eat to improve insomnia often?

1. Milk

Milk is very nutritious. It is not only rich in protein and vitamins, but also contains many trace elements. For people with insomnia, if they often drink milk at ordinary times, it can have a very good calming effect, especially drinking a cup of hot milk before going to bed can not only effectively alleviate the symptoms of insomnia, but also promote the quality of sleep.

2. Wild jujube kernel

Sour jujube kernel is the seed of sour jujube. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, it belongs to a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It has the functions of nourishing the heart and calming the mind, alleviating insomnia and improving sleep quality. For people who suffer from insomnia, they can drink more sour jujube kernel in water at ordinary times, which can not only prevent insomnia, but also supplement a lot of nutrients to the body. Especially for people with low resistance, it can effectively enhance physique and immunity.

3. Longan

Longan is one of the tropical fruits. Because longan is not only rich in nutrition, but also a traditional Chinese medicine supplemented by medicine and food, it is very effective in alleviating physical fatigue, treating headache and dizziness, promoting sleep, etc. in addition, it can also improve memory and improve amnesia.

4. Lily

Lily has the functions of clearing the heart and calming the mind, nourishing yin and moistening the lungs. It is often drunk with lily boiled water, which can not only effectively improve the body's resistance and immunity, but also prevent insomnia and dreaminess. For people with insomnia, they should drink more Lily tea at ordinary times, which can improve the problem of insomnia. In addition, lily is also a traditional Chinese medicine for nourishing the body. Lily can be used to nourish the body even if there are no symptoms of insomnia.

5. Walnut

Walnut is a kind of nut food with high nutritional value. Eating walnuts often has the function of strengthening the brain. Because there are many mineral elements in walnuts, they can better alleviate the symptoms of insomnia, forgetfulness, dreaminess and so on. Therefore, people with insomnia can eat more walnuts, which can restore a good state of sleep.

6. Millet

Millet belongs to coarse grain and is rich in trace elements and vitamins. Therefore, it plays a very important role in the recovery of women after childbirth and the conditioning of weak people. In addition, Xiaomi also has the function of calming the mind, helping sleep and alleviating fatigue, so people with insomnia and dreams can eat more Xiaomi porridge.

The above introduces six kinds of food that patients with insomnia and dreaminess can often eat, which has the effect of alleviating insomnia. In addition, insomnia patients should also maintain a good mood and mentality. They might as well form the good habit of soaking their feet before going to bed, which has a very good effect on alleviating insomnia.