What constellation men are mostly fond of by women

The First Place: Gemini Men

Gemini man is the famous "play-boy" with natural language talent, eloquence and literary talent. He has the love letters at hand and sweet words from mouth, which could make a girl feel the sweetness. Similarly, as his girlfriend, you have also the power of the "playful". He will not constraint you for making friends, and you can contact with all kinds of the opposite sex as long as you would not be unfaithful to him. He would be more faithful to you if you're more playful. Therefore, in the eyes of the woman, the Gemini man is the kind of very cute boy, though a bit bad.

The Second Place: Scorpio Men

Mysterious and deep Scorpio man is very good at guessing and seizing the weaknesses of a woman, and he can touch the most sensitive part of her heart and will "capture" the woman overnight. Perhaps the Scorpio man's love is some suffocating, his super conquer and desire to control might make the woman some unbearable, but it is also this that can make a woman fascinated and follow him involuntarily.

The Third Place:  Libra Men

Libra man is elegant and charming. He was born with a good temper. He can tolerate the most savage and wayward girls. He will never get angry no matter how peevish and willful you are, as long as he loves you. The Libra man can appease the mood of a woman timely with his unique humor. Any unruly girls will eventually become gentle and polite by him.

The Fourth Place: Aries Men

The psychologist said all woman are eager to be cherished by men from deep hearts. Aries man is a bit overbearing, he will try best to pursue and conquer seriously if he fell in love with you.  Aries man is a male chauvinist, he never constrains woman to spend money. In fact he thinks he should assume all consumption for girls, which is also a big advantage appreciated by a woman.