The zodiac sign of ji'e (the eighth house)

Ji'e palace is the palace of rebirth, ranking eighth in the horoscope. Represents external assistance, including economic, moral, spiritual and material aspects. It also indicates the status of estates, trusts, wills, taxes and insurance, as well as secret, sexual, spiritual and material reproduction; Psychological rebirth, degeneration and death. It represents mysterious things and profound research, as well as the assets and alimony of partners. It is also the palace of surgery, so it can also show the condition of the disease. The following is the situation of the planets in the house of ill.


The sun in the house of ill health indicates your deep love for the mystery of life, such as the resurrection of consciousness after death. This tendency is not obvious when you are young, but it will slowly emerge in your later years. You attach great importance to the spiritual life, and will realize what you think in the external environment, so that your heart will be stable and share it with your friends. Once you understand this aspect of yourself and realize it, you will no longer be afraid. As long as you stick to your principles, nothing can hurt you. Your rigorous attitude, of course, has lost, but also gains.If the aspect is good, there will be a chance to continue the heritage. If the phase is slightly different, there may be trouble or litigation on these matters. In case of divorce, the arrangement on behalf of alimony is not good for you; If it is a woman, it may mean that her husband will waste money. People with the sun in the eighth house sometimes have a tendency to be noticed and appreciated after death.


People with the moon in the ill health palace have a strong reaction and sensitivity to invisible power. You may be very interested in channeling because you want to contact the dead family. You are very concerned about the right of continuation, insurance and income tax. And your wealth will get better or worse with your marriage.Your erotic desire is especially strong. If your aspect is not good, you will also become lecherous or licentious. Because Pluto is the ruling planet in the eighth house, and the eighth house is closely related to Scorpio, and Scorpio is the master of sexual organs. Pluto's rising and most influential position is Leo in the fifth house, and Leo represents boldness and enthusiasm. In addition, the eighth house is related to you “ Star of desire ” The so-called Mars is also closely related.

You have a natural need for security. Personality is quite spiritual, and is interested in things that others think are morbid. Love and sex are very important to you. If the relative position of the moon is quite unfavorable, you may misuse your sexuality. Your money may come from your partner, your mother or the average woman. Usually you will be involved in dealing with the finances of others.


Mercury people in ill health are very interested in science and mystery. You will have a preference for studying spirituality and communication with the dead. In addition, you are particularly interested in cooperative economy, tax payment, insurance, funeral goods, etc. Since the eighth house belongs to the house of death, the field of work may be related to the above industries.People with mercury in this house want to keep their privacy, especially those things that make you feel about personal rights. You like to plan in secret, and you have expertise in strategic planning. You like mystery and intrigue, and like to read and write stories about reconnoitering the mysteries. You need to find out the secret desires and abilities, and find the motivation behind human behavior, because you have this talent.

The death of your brothers and sisters is especially important to you. You like soul related travel. And you usually feel like the manager of secret information or important documents. In terms of health, it represents possible nervous system disorders or respiratory diseases. You care a lot about other people's cold words. If mercury is in a bad phase, you may resent others, hold grudges in your words, or retaliate.Your opinions have perspective, and you are interested in esoteric things. With intuition, mystery and spiritual ability, you like complicated things; Sometimes you may be sly or sarcastic. Because you are good at handling other people's affairs and property, this is a suitable position for banking, group finance, taxation and insurance. This position is particularly favorable for politics; Politicians not only deal with people's affairs, they also need the help and support of others. You may have your first sexual experience very early. In addition, mercury in this position may experience the death of a close friend, which has a deep impact on you. Negative aspects usually indicate that you will hate. Physically, your lungs need plenty of oxygen, so you should avoid smoking.


Venus in the eighth house means that individuals will get money through marriage and social intercourse. Usually this position represents continuation, and marriage may also be related to it. If Venus is not in good phase, it may have high sensory characteristics, so that too much attention is paid to sex. You have benefited a lot from your friends. Maybe you can benefit from insurance and continued inheritance.You have a long life and you can die. This is an excellent phase for serving in large enterprises, banking and writing. You are very spiritual. If you follow this tendency, you will find happiness and peace. Your sexual relationship is also extremely harmonious. If there is a challenging aspect in the chart, you will be lazy, lack of discipline, and be too functional and overeating.

In the eighth house, there will be too strong emotions and unintentional jealousy and possessive tendencies, because Venus is in the house of Scorpio, which is an unfavorable position.


You are strong, simple and sexy. You value sex. In life, you often need to deal with other people's money. Sometimes it is a talent that the public needs. You are interested in spiritual things and the afterlife, and may engage in research in these areas. This is a good place for politicians, surgeons, investigators, psychologists and psychiatrists. The thought of death is a kind of self entertainment and comfort for you, and your death may come suddenly. If Mars and Neptune form an aspect, it means that you should avoid being involved in spiritual phenomena.Mars is in a powerful position in the house of ill health, because this house corresponds to Scorpio ruled by Mars. People with Mars in this position have strong desire and emotional strength. Their energy and endurance will be invested in implementing goals. They are aggressive in financial or cooperation with others. This position will produce a powerful sexual force. If Mars is not in a good phase, you will be very interested in sexual force when your personal astrological chart has a mysterious tendency.

Highly developed people, especially when Mars is in a powerful position, such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, may be very interested in mysterious power, psychological power and the soul after death.In many cases, you may have the possibility of accidental death. If the Mars phase is not good, there may be a fierce death mode. If it is serious, and the development is poor, you may have a criminal tendency. If Mars is out of phase, there may be conflicts in cooperation with people. You may take actions privately according to various good and bad motives.


You are resourceful and good at managing money. Can be engaged in such work as accounting, banking, corporate governance and so on. This position implies longevity and death, and a healthy attitude towards life and death. You can get wealth from partnership or inheritance. Rich feelings, strong sexual desire, if the phase is restrained, it will become extravagant, dishonest and lack of judgment.Jupiter in the house of ill health may continue the inheritance of their parents, and in addition, they can get good development in insurance or finance. You will have telepathy with people in other regions, and you will die peacefully in your sleep in your old age.


You are always ready to accept and deal with your spouse's money, and even have the opportunity to deal with other people's finances in the investment bank. Your money is not easy to get. You are a diligent worker and know how to retain the income you earn. You have a strict attitude towards sex and are also interested in spiritual and psychological things. The world after death often arouses your interest, and you will have many years to think about it, Because you may live quite a long time. You have a good head for legal affairs, continuation, taxation and politics. If there is a negative aspect, you may be depressed, and you may have a strange attitude and appetite in sexual intercourse.Saturn in the house of ill health must cultivate a sense of responsibility in the use of resources. Because you must be responsible for the financial affairs of others, if you divorce, there will usually be disputes such as alimony. You may marry a poor object and cause financial burden. If you are not in a good phase, you may be ill for a long time and die.


This position may have fluctuations in someone's money on time, and you should be careful in your trading partnership. You may find unusual ways to deal with or invest in other people's money, and also make profits from accidents. You have the ability of intuition in your heart, and you are interested in mysterious things and the afterlife. You easily fall in love with people who can't repay or meet your needs. You have a satirical humor, and may have strange dreams and a sense of prediction. If there is a challenging aspect between Uranus and Mars, it means that your death may be rapid and sudden.Uranus' concern about the mystery of life in the ill house is not limited to the appearance of life. You have a deep insight into everything. You need to practice holding a transcendent attitude towards sex and wealth. Because Uranus brings you a kind of cognition in the eighth house that spiritual life is greater than everything, life should be regarded as a dynamic process, and change is necessary.


You are receptive, intuitive, and possibly psychic. You may have experienced strange dreams, nightmares or insomnia. Your death may occur in your sleep or while you are under anesthesia. You may have a partner who is naturally wasteful. All joint property must be carefully examined. Be careful about hypnosis, because you are too easily controlled. Neptune in this position will give you a mysterious leadership temperament and help you gain the support of others, so many politicians have this position. Challenging aspects can lead to depression and easily make you addicted to alcohol and drugs. Whenever an operation is to be performed, the expert opinion of a second or third party must be obtained.Neptune in the house of ill will miss your dead relatives very much, and your property, feelings and friendship will often be controlled by a mysterious and unusual force. When the aspect is not good, you will have disputes with your friends with money, which may be caused by your own behavior.


Because this is Pluto's Guardian sign, it means that another world may occupy your thoughts and religions, which has real meaning for you, and will urge you to study all the mysterious things in depth. Since your body can be reborn from death, this aspect usually implies longevity. You have analytical skills, a good view of money, and strong financial skills. Research, medicine or science will suit you. You may make a living by dealing with things related to death, such as a funeral business. When there are challenging aspects, you may be a fanatical religious or over - control your carnal desires. You may go crazy because you are victimized by the people you trust, and do whatever you can to help them.