Teach you several practical and effective ways to avoid evil spirits

We often encounter some strange things in life, which most people will experience more or less. Especially those with weakness in the eight character body, or those with heavy Yin Qi in the life situation, will encounter some ghosts pressing the bed, or nightmares, seeing unclean things and so on. That is to say, you are evil, and you are evil. In this case, most people will ask the mage to see it, or ask a spell to crack it. For example, children lose their souls and are possessed by ghosts. It is often heard that there are similar things around them. For such things, as long as we pay attention to them in our daily life, or maintain a relatively refreshing state of energy and spirit, or be prepared, they can be avoided. Here are some small ways to prevent evil Qi from attaching to the body for your own reference.

1: Wearing jade can exorcise ghosts and evil spirits

Generally speaking, jade will absorb the essence of the sun and moon, and will receive the spirit of heaven and earth. Especially at night, jade can have halo. Although human eyes can't recognize it, ghosts and evil spirits dare not invade it. Therefore, wearing jade is the simplest and effective way to ward off evil spirits and prevent evil spirits from hitting the body.

If there are jade objects or jade mascots in the home, (they must be natural and untreated. If they are washed by chemicals, they are basically useless.) It will strengthen the harmony of the house and bring peace and smoothness.

If you usually go to hospitals, temples, crematoria, or places with heavy Yin Qi, or work in such places, you also need to wear jade to resolve the long-term impact of this Yin Qi.

If the occupation is related to government departments, public security organs, the law, the army, or government functional departments, non pure Yin is pure Yang, you also need to wear appropriate jade to neutralize this hostility.

2: Vajra body can ward off evil spirits

Vajra body protection is also a relatively simple method. One is to wear jade and other accessories with Buddhist themes, and the other is to learn to chant spells. If you can't chant, you can understand Amitabha Buddha. For example, if you are traveling, encounter a dead animal, or drive outside, you will kill many insects all the way. When it is really necessary to open and close the door, recite Amitabha. One is to redeem their sins, and the other is to transcend for the dead. Of course, if you have more Buddha mantras, it's better. Because as long as there is a Buddha sound, there must be Vajra Dharma protector.

3: Red items can ward off evil spirits

Generally, there is a saying among the people that people have to wear red trousers and red socks in this life year, which is similar to some false taboos. Most people also care about this statement. Many people will take precautions in this life year, either wearing red underwear or wearing a red belt. At present, this kind of folk word-of-mouth has almost formed a cultural phenomenon. If there is such a phenomenon, there must be such a saying and reason, which people have to pay attention to.

Red does help ward off evil spirits. In other words, ghosts are afraid of red. Therefore, red is often turned into blood and murderous by human form, so it can ward off evil spirits. In life, you don't usually wear bright red, unless it's for major things such as marriage and celebration. And if the lighting at home is insufficient, or the road rush is committed, the office is in the corridor, or all kinds of evil spirits have been formed, it is best to use the bright red national flag and national emblem to ward off evil spirits.

For example, the national flag is hung on the door of the office, which not only enhances the aura, but also dissolves all evil spirits. Evil Qi and ghost Qi can be dissolved, not to mention some words and bad omens. The national flag is not only a color that can ward off evil spirits, but also because tens of millions of martyrs are defending with their lives or the spirit of justice, condensing thousands of loyal souls, so its momentum is like a rainbow and unstoppable. If there is such an adverse impact outside the company, from the perspective of Feng Shui, setting up a national flag pole and hanging a red flag will also ward off evil spirits.

4: Some life magic tools can ward off evil spirits

For example, there are garlic, pepper, green onions, etc. at home. They taste strong, and mustard is also considered. Similar to this, garlic may be more endowed with the meaning of this kind of evil ward off. There are dogs at home, or dog teeth, peach wood sword, or peach wood hand string, jade hand string, and so on. These all have a certain role in dispelling evil spirits or exorcising evil spirits. However, these things may only be useful for children, but they have no effect on evil spirits, fierce ghosts and evil spirits.

5: Cultivating noble spirit can ward off evil spirits

Since ancient times, evil does not suppress good. Healthy qi is strong and avoids ghosts. In particular, upright people are more masculine and feared by ghosts. So the ancients said: & ldquo; Don't be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night;. Therefore, if you do more good deeds at ordinary times, you will accumulate positive blood. On the contrary, if you do things that hurt nature and reason, your heart will be empty and your Yang Qi will be damaged. In addition, the healthier the body, the better the mood, the more energetic the person is, and the more Yang Qi is. Many people cross graves in the middle of the night, walk on barren mountains and live in shady places. There is nothing at all. That's why. When a person is popular, his heart will be bright, he has a clear conscience, and he will be in awe when he sees ghosts. I dare not get close. Integrity can accompany you for a lifetime, which is far beyond the reach of other evil spirits.

All good things and filial piety come first, and all evil and adultery come first. Do more good deeds, kill less and release more. This is doing good deeds and practicing. Do not kill, steal, commit adultery, talk nonsense, drink, take drugs, be extravagant, greedy, bully or frame others. By observing precepts, doing good deeds and accumulating virtue, we can develop noble righteousness. This is the best way to ward off evil spirits.